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TICA  國際貓協


The International Cat Association™ (TICA™) is the world's largest genetic registry of pedigreed cats, the largest registry of household pet cats and kittens. TICA was the first and now the world's largest-registry to allow household cats of unknown ancestry to compete for the same titles and awards as pedigreed cats. The responsible breeding of pedigreed cats preserves the distinct characteristics of individual pedigreed breeds and ensures the continuation of predictable physical and behavioral traits for future generations.

CFA 國際貓協


Reflecting upon the objectives set forth in the CFA Constitution, the association continues its mission by:

  • Promoting the welfare of all cats through progressive actions which ranges from legislative advocacy to the support of feline research and providing breeder assistance.

  • Maintaining a focus on the quality of its breed standards and the validity of its registration and pedigrees.

  • Providing support to its member clubs who serve as Ambassadors to the general public

  • Promoting the interests of breeders and exhibitors of pedigreed cats.












Our cat's daily life information.

Pawpeds Courses – 貓咪基礎照護、健康、遺傳、育種學


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